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Personal de Cruz Roja ayudando durante la emergencia de la DANA en Valencia.

Assistència Sanitària collaborates in the comprehensive response plan after the ‘DANA’

The plan, lead by the Spanish Red Cross, uses three key phases, applying their own methodology based on orientation towards people, children’s rights and the elderly.

22 January 2025

Aimed at supporting those affected by the devastating effects of last autumn’s cut-off low, Assistència Sanitària has made a charitable donation to the Spanish Red Cross, reaffirming the company’s commitment to solidarity and social responsibility, specifically to people and communities in situations of emergency, joining the comprehensive response plan developed by the NGO.

The plan is based on three key phases: immediate response, recovery and strengthening of the resilience. The initial phase is centred on guaranteeing the safety and survival of the people affected by the distribution of food, drinking water, warm clothing, hygiene products and medical support. Provisional shelters are set up and actions such as the psychosocial intervention and bringing family members back into contact with each other. They also establish disease control steps and safe spaces for the emotional well-being of children.

In the second phase, focused on recovery, they work to re-establish normality in people’s households and means of living. This includes assistance for the rehabilitation of housing, community psychosocial support and accompanying people with the paperwork to access rights and aid, as well as the improvement in the energy efficiency of the houses being rebuilt. Aid for educational centres is also given priority with teaching material and emotional support for both pupils and teachers.

The third phase opts for the strengthening of the communities, developing individual and group skills to face up to future emergencies. They promote activities such as training in climate resilience, community participation in environmental management and the creation of emotional support groups. They also promote working itineraries that help the people affected to rebuild their life projects.

The Spanish Red Cross applies its own methodology based on proximity, orientation towards people, the gender perspective and the rights of children and the elderly. Its coordination capacity and efficiency guarantees that the resources provided reach the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children, disabled people and isolated rural communities in each situation. Thanks to this donation, Assistència Sanitària contributes to a coordinated and effective response, aimed not only at immediate response, but also in the long term, helping to build a safer and more resilient future for the affected communities.  


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