Healthcare co-operatives are an organisational model, at both the business and social levels, which can be applied in different spheres and contexts. Major healthcare companies...
The ASISA Group’s Vistahermosa Clinic is now 50 years of age, during which time it has grown from a maternity and infant care clinic to become a leading hospital in the field of...
The sixth edition of the Assistència Sanitària bursary programme, endowed with a 30,000 euro budget, is intended to develop the ongoing training of health professionals, ensuring...
Las instituciones de la Fundación Espriu se sitúan en el 5º puesto en el ranking de Empresas Relevantes de la Economía Social Española que elabora anualmente CEPES.
The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) held its Global Conference during the first week of November in Cape Town, South Africa. Attended by more than 1000 people from 88...
The universal declaration of human rights decrees that every person has the right to health care, education, social services and housing. These are the basic needs of individuals...
On 2 November Dr José Carlos Guisado, CEO of the Espriu Foundation, was re-elected as President of the International Health Co-operatives Organisation, IHCO, at the assembly...
The 2014 International Summit of Co-operatives will debate access to healthcare and health services through co-operative models
The Espriu Foundation participated in the 11th Assembly of the Spanish Social Economy Enterprise Confederation (CEPES) which was held in Madrid on 20 June. This event gathered...
The Cooperatives Europe assembly held on 6 May in Istanbul, Turkey chose German Dirk Lehnhoff as the new President after obtaining the support of two thirds of the delegates....
The International Health Co-operatives Organisation (IHCO) and the International Organisation of Industrial, Artisanal and Service Producers’ Co-operatives (CICOPA) have agreed to...
In the light of the crisis experienced by the healthcare sector in the USA, universities are aiming to offer their students innovative views and different perspectives, helping...