International Cooperative Day has a special meaning in 2024, as the topic chosen is “Cooperatives are building a better future for everyone”
The International Health Cooperatives Organisation has incorporated Sermecoop, a Chilean cooperative, and now includes 20 affiliated organisations
Leaders from the insurance sector came together at the conference organised by the International Federation of Cooperatives and Insurance Mutual Insurance Companies from the 8th...
Fundación Espriu took part in the National Education Tour, a yearly series of conferences organised by Cooperativa Profesionales, from Panama, in different parts of the country...
The Chilean seminar pointed to cooperativism as a powerful tool for health system reform.
The international conference emphasised the role of cooperatives in building a more sustainable and equitable future.
According to the World Cooperative Monitor, the set of organisations that support the Fundación Espriu holds the third place in the healthcare sector
Espriu Foundation Director-General, Dr Carlos Zarco, participated in the Cooperative Summit of the Americas
A new report by IHCO illustrates the many ways in which cooperatives make a difference in reaching Sustainable Development Goal No. 3, Good Health and Well-being.
The health & life sciences task force proposes to take advantage of the cooperative business model as a reliable organisational tool that protects professionals and...
The International Health Cooperatives Organisation entrusted the Espriu Foundation director to lead the international promotion and development of health cooperatives.
The United Nations Secretary-General report entitled «Cooperatives in social development» highlights the importance of the cooperative business model