Spanish Parliament supports International Year of Co-operatives


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Spanish Parliament supports International Year of Co-operatives

The Spanish Parliament acknowledged at a ceremony held on 26 June the important role being undertaken by co-operatives on today’s socio-economic landscape.

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The event, organised by the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy to mark International Year of Co-operatives 2012, was intended to underpin the role of the co-operative movement as an enterprise model, and to raise the social profile of this form of economic activity.

The Espriu Foundation was represented by its President, Teresa Basurte, and by its Chief Executive Officer, Dr José Carlos Guisado. The event was likewise attended by the Speaker of the Spanish Parliament, Jesús Posada, the President of Cepes, Juan Antonio Pedreño, and the President of the Spanish Parliamentary Committee on Employment and Social Security, José Eugenio Azpíroz, along with numerous parliamentarians from the various political groups in Congress, and representatives of the co-operative movement from throughout Spain.

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2012 to be International Year of Co-operatives, highlighting the contribution made by co-operatives to socio-economic development, and in particular acknowledging their impact in reducing poverty, generating jobs and achieving social integration.

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