The IHCO is extending its network of associated cooperatives


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The IHCO is extending its network of associated cooperatives

The International Health Cooperatives Organisation has incorporated Sermecoop, a Chilean cooperative, and now includes 20 affiliated organisations

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The IHCO is extending its network of associated cooperatives

The International Healthcare Cooperatives Organisation (IHCO) called its General Assembly on the 30th of November, bringing together delegates from 12 countries to deliberate and chart the course of the initiatives that the organisation will start up over the next few months.

The Chairman, Carlos Zarco presented a detailed report to the assembly of the milestones and actions that the organisation has developed over the last year to promote cooperative solutions to healthcare in different countries.

The delegates shared their most relevant activities and analysed how their business action has contributed to the fact that advances occurred in the results of the health in their communities.

The delegates also welcomed Sermecoop, a health cooperative from Chile that became the twentieth full member of the organisation of IHCO. With this new incorporation, the IHCO is extending its international network and confirms the global growth of the cooperative healthcare model.  

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