Fundación Espriu among the leading Social Economy organisations
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Fundación Espriu among the leading Social Economy organisations
Las instituciones de la Fundación Espriu se sitúan en el 5º puesto en el ranking de Empresas Relevantes de la Economía Social Española que elabora anualmente CEPES.
Once again this year CEPES, the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy, has published the list of the most significant social economy enterprises, with Fundación Espriu holding a lead position as the third-largest Spanish business group in the sector.
The institutions grouped under the umbrella of the Fundación Espriu turned over in 2013 more than 1.448 billion euros, while employing over 36,000 people. The Assistència and Asisa groups, meanwhile, jointly deliver first-rate health care services to over 1.9 million citizens.
The study undertaken by CEPES compiles information on 809 social economy entities, their varying legal structures and the business groups of the social economy belonging to the confederation. The purpose of the report is to raise the profile of this enterprise model, comprising co-operatives, workers’ companies, mutuals, employment inclusion enterprises, special employment centres and fellowships of fishermen, while also providing information on the sectors in which they operate, employment and turnover figures.
According to the 2013 data, the social economy sector in Spain comprises more than 44,500 enterprises, with a turnover of 150 billion euros, representing 12% of GDP. The sector furthermore directly or indirectly employs more than 2,215,000 people.
The data from the report can be consulted on the CEPES website.